Sunday, March 27, 2011

Can you guess?

What is this?
IS it a napkin post spinach picnic?
Is it a baby's bib after eating a cinnabon?
Is it Lady Gaga's latest bra?
Is it a drop cloth at a studio painting over their green screen?
No.  It's a vestment.  A 1,000 dollar vestment.  For a priest who likes to leave them guessing.
And there's more where that came from...

Post-Exorcism, or horrible styrograph accident

This one's perfect for the feast of St. Carrie.  You may have seen a movie about her....she goes to prom...doesn't end well?


  1. I have seen these vestments. On my children. After meals. Peas, grape juice, spaghetti. Who knew I was encouraging vocations just by feeding them.

  2. LOLOLOLOL maybe if you're lucky you'll get a thank-you note from the pope!

  3. Want to get children to pay attention at mass? Well now you can with eye catching Spin Art Liturgical Garb!

    Act now and get a Tye Dye Stoll kit at no extra charge

  4. Heaven help me, I like them. I must go incense myself.
