Sunday, November 6, 2011

Post is Unrelated

As some of you may, or may not, know this past June I had to have my poor little pug Percy put down, and just last week my best friend, my lab, Buddy had to be put down too. Anyway, long miserable story short and happy: I've picked my next dog.

Meet my pug puppy, coming home December 10
His name is Joseph, or Joey for short, after St. Joseph my patron (other than St. Therese.  Which I thought was an inappropriate name for a male dog.)


  1. Yay!
    Joey, you're a lucky dog.

    I'm glad there's a puppy to help you heal.

    I had to put down my 5-year-old golden yesterday due to a rare form of cancer. Heartbroken. :(

  2. So so sorry to hear about that, its the worst.

    you'll be in my prayers for sure.

  3. Awww, Joseph is so cute! I named my new kitty Phillie after St. Philomina
